How many Zepp Sticks® will I need?
The number of Zepp Sticks you’ll need depends on the length of your sailboat’s boom. In general, we recommend spacing the Zepp Sticks about 4 feet apart on the boom. The Zepp Sticks need to be spaced out along the boom so that there is enough room to fold them back onto the boom when sailing. Two to four Zepp Sticks will do the job for most 20- to 40-foot sailboats.
Are Zepp Sticks available in lengths other than 4 feet?
Not at this time.
What are Zepp Sticks made of?
Fiberglass Base, carbon fiber Gathering Arms, stainless steel Harness and Fittings, aluminum Tips and Butts. For a full description of the Zepp Sticks materials, see the Parts & Installation page.
How are Zepp Sticks installed?
Zepp Sticks fasten to the boom slot with a simple, adjustable, and secure clamping system. Zepp Sticks generally do not require drilling, tapping, or adding fittings to the boom.
Do Zepp Sticks impact the design or use of the mainsail?
No. Zepp Sticks are installed independent of the mainsail. Therefore, a mainsail can be designed for full sailing efficiency without the performance compromises or limitations required to accommodate complicated and expensive furling systems already on the market.
Will Zepp Sticks get in my way when I am sailing?
No. Zepp Sticks’ low profile allows them to be stowed in place or removed while underway so as not to interfere with adjustments to the mainsail’s shape, allowing for maximum performance.
Do I need to have a new mainsail cover made if I use Zepp Sticks?
No. Zepp Sticks’ design allows for multiple options in how you cover your mainsail. Your "traditional" cover can be used when Zepp Sticks are either removed or folded in parallel to the boom.